Synopsis: Dexter receives help from an unexpected source while hunting the Doomsday Killers and staying one step ahead of Homicide; Debra discovers something new about herself in therapy.Based on Jeff Lindsay's novels Darkly Dreaming Dexter and Dearly Devoted Dexter this crime thriller follows Dexter Morgan. Dexter is a forensic blood spatter expert for the Miami Dade Police Department. He is the main support for his sister. He has a steady girlfriend, with two kids who adore him.… More He also has an active "night life". Based on a code instilled in him by his foster father, Harry, he hunts down people who have escaped justice and makes sure they don't get away with a crime again.
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Episode Name:Get Gellar
Air Date:11/27/2011 Sunday 9:00 PM on Showtime
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller, Showtime